Developmental Work
With a degree in Early Childhood Education, BBS Energy Works owner, Christina Hayes, brings a strong Early Childhood Development background knowledge base to the distinct therapy which combines Developmental Work and Energy Work. She not only notices the behaviors that bring clients seeking alternative therapy, but she also spends time noticing how they move, Developmental Kinesiology, especially through the three Midline Connections of the body; how they react within certain situations; brain stem development strength through Early Reflex Integration movements; their communication abilities; their physical sensitivities; and their relationship with the people in their lives. Gathering these clues, all while we play and get to know one another in a relaxed manner, allows us to get to the root cause of developmental delays in both children and adults. Energy Work is used in conjunction with Developmental Play which allows the body to move and think in ways that we trust is instinctive. The Brain, Body, and Soul guide us through the whole process using the Brain Gym structure of goal setting and noticing for a wonderfully powerful experience.
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Early Reflex Development
We all develop sequentially, in the same order with the same movement patterns guiding us. If we miss moving through any of these important steps, in utero and within the first three years of life, or do not move through them in a comprehensive way, it effects our brain stem efficiency for the remainder of our lives. Primarily, the purpose of Early Reflex Development work is to make neuro-connections in our brain stem as a foundation to set all our systems up for higher level functioning abilities later in life. If our brain stem is not fully developed as we move along in this world, we consciously and/or subconsciously compensate for the immaturity. This doesn’t always look or feel so pretty, also our whole being is working much harder than it needs to. This distress may show up in newborns as colic, in infants with compensation crawling, in children as frustration, and in adults as anxiety, for example. The good news is, we can go back in time at any age and continue this brain stem development. When this piece of inefficient brain development is addressed, initial work complete, life falls into place and is simply easier. Christina Hayes, owner of BBS Energy Works and developmental specialist has a comprehensive understanding of Early Reflex Development, how we move through that piece of development early in our lives, and how we can assist our brain and body now, from newborn to adult, moving gracefully through what was missed early on. The results, more confidant, relaxed, and joyous whole beings at all any stage of life.
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Brain Gym®
Christina Hayes, owner of BBS Energy Works is a licensed practitioner and educator of the movement-based, learning readiness Brain Gym® program. Here at BBS Energy Works however, we do not just use it for learning readiness, we use it to prepare ourselves for life in general! The power behind Brain Gym comes from the framework which was established by founder Dr. Paul Dennison. We make greater strides achieving our desires if we take time to notice, set positive goals, and move our bodies with the intention of those goals. The simple beauty to the program is that it can be accessed at any age and stage of development. When we use this routine of noticing, goal setting, and the 26 Brain Gym movements, we set ourselves up for success in an efficient and organized manner. In doing so, positive changes occur on a physical, emotional and cognitive level, allowing us to maximize our potential and live our truth with grace and well-being.
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Developmental Kinesiology
Developmental Kinesiology focuses on how we move our bodies throughout our development as a means to establishing a wonderful foundation for more mature skills related to our Cognitive, Social, Physical, and Emotional being. This branch of Kinesiology looks at our behaviors now and their relationship to how we set the stage moving through each level of development since conception. This methodology can be drawn upon at any age, from newborn to adult. When we move our bodies with the intention of positive, specific goals, we are given the freedom to connect with our inner strength and pursue whatever makes our hearts soar. Would you, or someone you know, benefit from experiencing this natural and powerful movement tool?!
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Developmental Play
“The easiest and quickest way to create connection and trust with children is through play — the kind of play that involves natural, joyful, interactive whole body movement. Play allows children to reach their highest potential and in itself raises the vibration or energy level of the participants, which is essential in releasing lower vibrational patterns based in fear. Play and joyful connection offer the most beneficial opportunity to integrate stuck reflexes, thus getting to the core of a child’s challenges.” [Heal the Child Program by Jon W. Bredal.]
Jon Bredal was one of Christina Haye’s most influential teachers on the importance of play and use of Kinesiology practices to heal not only the child, but all of us at any age. Christina draws from this early mentor-ship in the creation of BBS Energy Works and its Guiding Principles. Even when addressing the deepest and heaviest of challenges, playfulness, joy and connecting our Brain, Body and Souls can alleviate whatever ails us in a beautiful nurturing way.
To begin your journey of empowerment, connect with us today!
Midline Connections
Come learn about our three midlines of the body and how they are established through automatic reflexive movements in utero and throughout the first three years of life. At BBS Energy Works we value the importance of clearing any blocked energy that may be getting in the way of balancing your midline connections. Undetected, this seldom looked at piece of the puzzle may cause your body to feel like it is being controlled by an invisible puppeteer. It shows up as physical inabilities or responses that we can not seem to control, or we compensate by using cognitive brain power to control them. The good news is at BBS Energy Works we expertly notice these immature midline connections and facilitate moving our bodies and moving the energy in our bodies to find balance, newfound skills, and ease of movement we never even thought was a possibility for ourselves!
To begin your journey of empowerment, connect with us today!
Functional Vision
At BBS Energy Works, we understand that Functional Vision is a skill set related to eye movement that enable us to take in visual information for understanding and guiding our movements to interact with the world around us. Once developed, these skills should be automatic, and controlled at the brain stem level with no higher functioning cognitive involvement. As we move through our Early Reflexes, we set this vision system up for optimum abilities as we grow. If we miss any of the early developmental milestones, then we may very likely miss important simultaneous stages of Functional Vision development. The results may show up with difficulty reading, comprehending, writing, near to far tasks, sports coordination, motion sickness, eye strain, etc. Through natural Methodologies, we can work to complete early building blocks of brain stem development to gain Functional Vision abilities that are holding us back unnecessarily!
To begin your journey of empowerment, connect with us today!